
Curtis High School Learning Reflections || CodeHs?? || Web Designing!

 Leonard Cruz    After learning about Tracy the Turtle on CodeHs we took a huge step and started a new lesson of web designing. I've learned many new codes such as coding hyper links, putting images on the webpage and being able to put titles and headings on the webpage. With the new things I learned we can make an amazing website of anything we like, maybe a sports website, food website or even a gaming website. For example some of the new codes I learned using CodeHs for the past 2 week are the heading code <h1>What ever you want to say</h1>. I have also learned how to put hyper links.  Ex: <a href="">               CodeHs </a>  Another cool thing I learned was how to put images onto a webpage!  Ex: <img> src=""width="100px" height="100px"> And that's most of it! I'm pretty interested on this topic and I hope to learn more in the f...

Curtis Highschool Software Engineering Institute Reflections part 4! || Code Hs Tracy the Turtle!?

Code Hs || Tracy the Turtle:    After using project stem to learn about many codes and how to program a game; we switched over to a new website named Code Hs. I learned many things on how to make graphics move such as Tracy the turtle. To make Tracy move we would use Forward() or either backward(), in the brackets you would put the number of distance you want it to move. I also learned how to make Tracy rotate itself so we could move it around to different areas. Using left() and right() it allows us to change the direction/angle the turtle is looking at. For example it turns the degree u set it at in the brackets such as right(90) and left(180).    After learning all of those we learned to draw with the turtle. To draw with Tracy we would have to use pendown() which indicates that we can write because the pen is down and penup() if we do not want to draw anymore. If we wanted to draw different shapes we could use circle(radius,degree,sides) ex: circle(50,360,4).To c...

Curtis Highschool Software Engineering Institute Reflections Part 3 ! | If Statements?

 What I've Learned : After learning about other codes in the other blog, I learned something more new and unique, the what if statement. The what if statement allows more logic and decision making into our programs in which can create more complex programs. When outputted the code will output if the if statement is true. For an example  : When outputted the if command checks if the statement is true which is a > 4 and a = 5 and if so the print command  will be outputted  if its greater than 4  if otherwise it wouldn't. a = 5 if a > 4: print("This will print!")

Curtis Highschool reflections P.2 || Computer science !!

 Leonard Cruz 10/26/22 I have learned of many things in computer science like other codes. 1 code I learned was random.randit. When outputted it outputs a random number you made a range of such as 1-5. Another code I learned was math.sqrt.It returns its the number you put to its square root.For example: import math print(math.sqrt(81)) Output:9

Python Programming

 My name is Leonard Cruz and I will be writing reflections on what I learned during my python programming class. I commonly use my gaming computer  on which i play different video games on like minecraft, valorant and deceit.Some of the things I already know about computer science is the print() command which displays numbers and text on the screen. And I learned what a compiler is which translates written code to machine language.I hope to learn how to code games such as minecraft where u can make ur character pick up something or taking a step.